Intelligence plus character- that is the goal of true education. Having sowed the seeds of the vision of Venerable mar Thomas Kurialaassery, our Founder, it gives me deep sense of joy to witness the burgeoning of this stupendous school which we have nurtured with Gospel values, sheer dint of hard work, grit and determination. The present age is undergoing a change in values and mindsets. Gone are the days of stereotyped notions and values. The child of today is busy in exploring and would rather experience than follow blindly. MMPS is proud of its eco-friendly and peaceful environment where we offer opportunities for all pupils to achieve excellence in academic, cultural, social, artistic, sporting, agricultural and community endeavours. It is rightly said that “a dream becomes a goal when action is taken towards its achievement” and I as the manager am committed in taking constructive and purposeful actions to produce optimistic, independent, truthful, compassionate , life-long learners and leaders who will bring glory to the school , state and nation.
School life is valued to be the best experience of one’s life. It is the phase of life where we learn to express, to create and to explore and to inspire and to innovate thoughts and ideas.It is a child’s school experience that sets the stages for success in life, leaves them with a life time of positive memories, diverse ideas and values. Mary Matha Public school welcomes you to own this wonderful experience from play school to Higher secondary.
Parathodu, Edakkunnam - 686512
We are able to provide best in class facilities which is of international standard
Our recently concluded events
A proud moment as "Amma Pusthakam" enters the r...
We are proud to announce that Mary Matha Public...
“New year, new beginnings.” Innagurated by f...
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi"
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi"
I would like to utilize this opportunity to thank the entire Marymatha family from the bottom of my heart. The captain of the ship, our principal Sr. Little Rose SABS along with Sr. Linet SABS are contract examples of abstract qualities of love, benevolence, care , motivation and patience. Teachers of Mary Matha are more like a mother to every children. They recognise the quality of education as moulding good human beings and that's what today's society needs. Non teaching staffs also extremely commited to their works. I consider it as a blessing that my children have completed their entire schooling from Mary Matha and I'm sure that every parents do. Wishing the development of many more good students from this prestigious institution..
I would like to utilize this opportunity to thank the entire Mary Matha family from the bottom of my heart.